
Russian foreign minister blasts Ukraine peace deal reportedly floated by Trump's team: 'Not happy'
Fox News
Fox News
-December 31, 2024

Russian foreign minister blasts Ukraine peace deal reportedly floated by Trump's team: 'Not happy'

Snap News

Trump's Team and Ukraine: What’s the 411 on Peace Deals?

So, Russia’s foreign minister is totally shutting down a rumored peace plan from Trump’s crew regarding Ukraine and NATO. Lavrov claims the U.S. wants to shift the blame to Europe and delay Ukraine’s NATO membership by 20 years. This drama isn’t even official yet—just leaked info!

NATO and Russia: The Blame Game Heats Up

Lavrov’s calling out NATO for its “involvement” in Ukraine, saying it’s making things worse. He insists that accusations against Russia are just projection. Talk about a hot take! Seems like NATO's been a thorn in the side of Russia for ages.

Trump’s Take: Peace Over Escalation, Please!

During a TIME interview, Trump was all about finding common ground and stopping missile strikes into Russia. He thinks the war vibes need to chill if there's any hope for peace. But can he really pull off a truce? We’ll see!


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