
Hochul’s senseless $75B climate cash grab will only speed New York’s decline
New York Post
New York Post
-December 31, 2024

Hochul’s senseless $75B climate cash grab will only speed New York’s decline

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New York’s Fossil Fuel Bill: A Major Money Move

Governor Hochul just dropped a bombshell by signing a $75 billion climate bill, targeting fossil fuel companies for their impact on “extreme weather.” While she claims it's time for polluters to step up, critics are calling this move a cash grab based on shaky science. Expect major pushback as companies prepare to hit back in court!

The Real Cost of Climate Politics: Who Pays?

With New Yorkers already facing skyrocketing electricity rates and high gas prices, this new law is set to send those costs soaring even higher. The idea is that fossil fuel companies will foot the bill, but we all know that the price tag usually lands on consumers. Talk about a budget buster!

New Yorkers Are Packing Up and Leaving

Since 2020, over 336,000 people have said ‘peace out’ to New York, making it the state with the largest population decline. This latest climate policy might just push more residents to find greener pastures in states with better vibes and lower living costs. Will New York become a ghost town?

Political Moves: Hochul’s 2026 Campaign Strategy?

Many see this climate fund as politically motivated—Hochul's way of cozying up to special interests ahead of her reelection bid. Critics argue that real solutions are being sidelined while politicians cash in on climate panic. Is this really about the environment, or just about staying in power?


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