
Democrats launched 'calculated effort' to undermine SCOTUS since Dobbs, CBS reporter says
Fox News
Fox News
-December 31, 2024

Democrats launched 'calculated effort' to undermine SCOTUS since Dobbs, CBS reporter says

Snap News

Senate Democrats’ Strategy to Undermine Supreme Court Credibility

Senate Democrats are going all out to shake the public's faith in the Supreme Court. It kicked off after the Dobbs decision, with major efforts to highlight alleged scandals and create a narrative that the court is corrupt. This has led to a dramatic drop in approval ratings, now at a record low of just 38%.

Supreme Court Ratings: Low but Still Higher than Other Institutions

Even though the Supreme Court’s ratings are taking a nosedive, they’re still holding up better than Congress and the White House. Public opinion on the court fluctuates, but it remains more favorable compared to many other institutions, proving it’s not all doom and gloom.

Misrepresentation of Supreme Court Decisions Sparks Controversy

Criticism has surged over how recent rulings, like the one on presidential immunity, have been portrayed by opponents. Many argue these misrepresentations further fuel distrust, even though those rulings also protect figures on both sides of the aisle, including President Biden.


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